Year 4, Session 5, Week 2
The freeze narrowed down our week to only two days, but we made them count! Our learners dove right back into their routines and were determined to get the most out of their core skills time. Shout out to Charlie and Tucker who even took extra initiative to work on things over the weekend!
In our physics quest, ES heroes learned about buoyancy and displacement. They began constructing a raft out of popsicle sticks that they will use in a competition next week. A cup will be placed on the raft, and coins will be added to the cup one by one until the raft sinks. The learners must apply what they discovered about how boats float to their project and keep their raft up longer than the other team.
During Writer’s Workshop, the Elementary Studio wrote an outline for their story and shared it with their peers for feedback. After peer critiques, they began drafting the first copy of their science fiction stories. We can’t wait to read their masterpieces at exhibition!
On Friday, we read a chapter from our Civilization book about Confucius and his teachings in China. We had a socratic discussion about authority and empathy. One of the questions posed was “Is it generally harder for humans to empathize with those considered beneath them, or harder for humans to be respectful toward people who have more power than they do?”.
We are looking forward to a full five days of school next week and getting caught up on what we missed due to the weather. Our heroes are hard-working, and resilient, and will adjust in stride!